Wednesday 6 March 2013

Exam question

Successful media products depend as much upon marketing and distribution to a specific audience as they do upon good production practises. To what extent would you agree with this statement remedial study?

Within the film industry, it seems that the distribution and marketing of the film Is by far the most important element in order to make financial success. A film ofcourse, would have to be greatly practised and planned out for it to even be considered distributed, however for the film to be successful they would need to have the most widest and effective distrubution possible. For this to be done at a high standard, the film would have to be distributed to BIG companies such as : 20th Century Fox, Paramount Films, Marvel, etc. All of these film companies are famous for distributing films all over the world, they all seem to be very high leaders in the film industry along with a few others. The trait of global distrubtion means that the film they are distrubuting will be made accessible to many different types of people, which would equal to more of a overall access.

The usual blockbuster would be released during the summer period, however The Avengers- Distributed by Paramount Pictures was released early April 2012, which for a Blockbuster is rather un usual. It seems that Paramount being aware that Spiderman was to be released during summer, felt that releasing The Avengers at the same time, would perhaps put Spider Man and The Avengers in competition. Adding on, months before Avengers was released there were many other Marvel films that were based on Marvel comics which meant fans of this sector would follow all the films that were Marvel, and this would of added on the success of The Avengers. The use of synergy with this film allowed it to become successful, for example toys, posters, clothing etc. The synergy used allowed the film to become a HUGE success in which case it made over $1 billion. The synergy of a film production allows a film to become highly successful, blockbuster films such as this film, spider man, hulk etc, seem to use synergy the most.

It is known that many british films use american actors, or famous people in order to attract a wider audience and also fans of films. For example: Wild Child uses an american actress named Emma Roberts, who has starred in many other films globally, which would mean she is a recognised actor.

Adding on, to grab different audiences film distributors tend to use adverts to also attract attention from people. Disney and children's channels tend to broadcast most of the animated type films/disney films on there adverts, to attract a younger audience in which the film is mainly aimed at. This not only would make the children want to see the film, but the aim is to get the whole family to watch the film as they usually would rate an animated film a PG, which means parental guidance.

For people who don't find going to the cinema a pleasant experience or perhaps didn't know the film was on, film distributors will commonly sell dvds shortly after the film has been taken down in the cinemas to attract there attentions to purchase them.

In conclusion, despite good acting, professional directing and production, the success of the film depends mainly on the wide distribution to make the film accessible world wide, therefore large distributors and producers are the most important people involved in making a film a success.

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