Wednesday 27 March 2013

Discuss the ways in which media products are produced, and distributed to audiences, within a media area, which you have studied.

A working title film process is a long, expensive process to go through. There are many aspects that need to be covered in order to have a success. 

These stages include finance, pre-production, production, post-production, marketing and exhibition. The first stages would be he financial aspect. Produces borrow a loan, or money in order to cover  all costs in their movie production. They would either try to sell their product to a rich company in order for them to support all financial circumstances, or invest in a bank to pay for any of the preferences needed. However, This could be a risk as if they don't get the money they need from the movies success then they could end up in a lot of debt. Finance is preferably the most important aspect for a film to make it to pre-pruction stage. 

In America and the UK, The process of releasing films is rather similar. For instance: Bbc, Film 4 and Working title Are some of the most successful companies.  Working title is a British Film Company; partly owned by BBC. I. Which BBC had made a lot f successful films such as: Les miserables, Shaun of the Dead, and many others.

1 comment:

  1. Chloe, this is not a sufficient amount of work to constitute as an essay, but is a good start. Think about how you can incorporate the case studies we have looked at so far into your response.

    The parent company of Working Title is Universal Studios.
