Monday 29 October 2012

Script using 180 Rule & Doors.

Dimmed room with one small table, two chairs and a door.

Steven and Mr Vassallo are exchanging thoughts about a mysterious death sitting down on the table facing each other.

 (180* Rule)
                                     Mr Vassallo

                        I saw him. I saw him standing here. Right here on this very day.


                       Mr.Vassallo you've got this all wrong. He's never even been in this room

                                Mr Vassallo

                          But how are you so sure Steven?

Steven slams his arm on the table, whilst Mr Vassallo pulls away


                         listen Vassallo, If you don't co-operate with me, we will NEVER find the person
                         who done this. So your either in this or your not. MAKE YOUR CHOICE.

(there is a sudden but light knock on the door) (camera turns to the door, the makes a sharp turn back to looking at Mr.Vassallo and Steven-  continuous cut)

Steven gets up and walks slowly towards the door...

                          Mr Vassallo

                          DONT! its him! were next!

Steven slowly turns the handle to open the door. The door opens. Standing there is a tall, hairy, and armed male holding a machete pointing at Steven.

      A loud leap of a gun shot is released. Steven lays on the floor in a big pool of blood.

(Extreme Close-up of Mr Vassallo's horrified expression)

The lights dim.

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