Sunday 16 December 2012

500 word representation of gender/sexuality in vampire tv shows

In the series True Blood the director explores gender and sexuality using female and male vampires to portray this image. In a clip of the queen Sophie Anne and Eric (both vampires) the pair of them exchange thoughts about the human girl that Eric is holding.
Firstly, when Eric walks in he drags the human girl across the floor towards Sophie Anne who is placed inside a cage locked up, this clearly shows the power of the male vampire and the control he has over female  humans in general. the human girl is seductively dressed in a white corset, which suggests she is there as a sexual object as-well as the vampires 'prey' or 'food'. 

The Mise En Scene in the scene gives the audience a good understanding of the class in which the protagonist 'Sophie Anne' is placed in, the surroundings seem to be rather classy, for example their are chandeliers placed all over the ceilings of the wall in the room. Furthermore, their is a swimming pool based in the center of the room and also classy furniture surrounding the room. This clearly shows that Sophie Anne is a female vampire with very much order in her life and has everything she wants.  Adding on, the clothing she wears is rather classy, she has a a cream jump suit with gold beads around her neck and perfect makeup and hair. This portrays her to be high class, attractive and perhaps even seductive. 

When the human girl is brought in-front of Sophie Anne's cage by Eric  instantly the audience gets a glimpse of Sophie Anne's feelings towards the human girl. Eric goes on to say ''I'm going to put my fangs into her and drink'' After this Their is a medium close up of Sophie Anne slowly moving her head up with a worried facial expression looking at Eric. This clearly shows the audience that Sophie has some sort of feelings for this human girl, whether they be sexual or friendly. After this, Eric goes on to say hes going to bite the human girl in a sexual way, this seems to aggravate Sophie, which suggest she has some sort of sexual feelings for the human girl... 

From watching the clip from 'True Blood' I clearly learnt that Women vampires are seen as strong and masculine characters also very seductive. However, although this masculinity is usually seen, there is still a part of which the male vampire has more control e.g. when Eric teases Sophie and then goes on to bite the human girl. This shows his power over the whole situation and the fact Sophie Anne is behind a cage suggests she has little power to stop him. Therefore Vampire TV Shows portray woman as mainly masculine, however they still stick to the usual convention of the woman having less power. Male vampires seem to be more in-control of most situations, and usually have the power to get a women to do what they want. 

Chloe O'Brien

PEACE HOMIES! (don't copy my work k)

Favorite Pitches and My Ideal Role

From watching everyone's pitches in class, I have to say my favorite out of all was Rafias idea! out of everyone's pitches I heard, Rafias was by far the best. I liked the idea of friends sharing an apartment with a strange male. I thought the target audience for this would be young adults, therefore it would be perfect for us to expand on. However, the beginning part which Rafia mentioned about letting the audience see Jamie drinking blood I didn't find useful as I feel this would give the whole climax away and perhaps be too predictable. 

The roles I'd like to participate into are Acting; because I feel I'm a very strong actor and would be great playing one of these roles. However, I also would love to get involved in the set design/makeup part of things, as i do find that part very interesting and I'm very imaginative when it comes to script set. 

Wednesday 5 December 2012

25 word pitch for Horror Film

1 Girl, 1 Journalist, Unsolved Murders. Maria Allegretto discovers a new her, a more monstrous her. Will she ever understand who she really is?